Already as a young girl growing up near NYC, I had a tender heart and was not willing to back down from what I felt was right. Once, I stood up alone for a disabled boy on my block against a group of older kids teasing him. I worked for years as a teenager in an animal clinic, and it opened up my heart even more. I had a knack for projec
Already as a young girl growing up near NYC, I had a tender heart and was not willing to back down from what I felt was right. Once, I stood up alone for a disabled boy on my block against a group of older kids teasing him. I worked for years as a teenager in an animal clinic, and it opened up my heart even more. I had a knack for projects. I started a Christmas tree business or later taught scuba diving. I followed what excited me.
My Swiss mother always talked about Europe, and when I could, I went. I spent three years in Paris studying and working in high fashion. I then returned to the States where I finished my university degree. I clearly felt I would get caught up in the fast paced and success oriented NYC that I saw. I didn’t want that. Once I had dinner with dear friends, and one suggested going to Japan. That felt right.
Several months later, in the fall of 1986, I arrived in Osaka. I was enchanted by the written language and the Japanese in general. I worked for myself and life knew no limits. I was passionate about communicating with people so I learned Japanese. I did everything from teaching English and French to working at the hottest disco in town and modeling. I had my own business, and for a while, even baked and sold my cakes and, later, even simultaneously translated. Then life took a big turn. Wanting to be successful at business brought me to Australia and the Avatar course. Little did I realize that I would be confronted with myself and my lack of confidence. Layer by layer, I discovered the masks. I met things I didn’t want to see and realized the only way out was going in and feel. I experienced for the first time a silent mind for long hours at a time. I was so amazed by these new possibilities that I brought the Avatar course to Japan with my partner. At this time, I also discovered the beginnings of connecting to and hearing my intuition. Avatar was a big gateway for me.
Through Avatar, I met Arno. I trusted my feelings. After 11 years in Japan, I left for Germany. It was fall 1997. Avatar talked about it not being a therapy, so out of curiosity I spent the next decade training myself in and exploring different types of therapy. Family Constellation became a constant companion, and then I saw a poster for Path of Love. Another turning point. I spent the next decade on Path of Love courses and doing Working with People, a deep therapy training led by the founders of Path of Love - Rafia Morgan and Turiya Hanover. Here I met the fantastic tool of Inquiry. Here I learned true compassion, and when Turiya mentioned that the ego patterns of our lives are formed as a way of trying to protect ourselves, I opened up to accepting myself.
Parallel to all of this, I started the Rebalancing Silence of Touch training with Anu and Gyana Cain, an intuitive way of accessing and feeling/healing through touch. I loved it and spent years assisting them. I discovered another way of silencing my mind and experiencing great peace.
September 2019 brought Jennifer into my life. My first session just turned things upside down. It was the first time I recalled anyone helping me to give a voice to my anger. I felt so invigorated and not wrong for feeling anger and dark things. Jennifer was so authentic. I wanted more.
Near the end of Covid I suddenly felt that it became urgent to go looking for property in Spain to actually realize what had been, til then, Arno’s vision. I only knew it felt completely right, so I grabbed my dear friend and daily sharing partner for years, Anne, and went. When we arrived at what is now the House of Inquiry, and I got out of the car, I instantly felt 'this is it' and wrote this to Arno. I had no doubts. It was uncanny to have no fear of making this decision. This is how the whole project has been. It has led us. I fell in love. There was total trust. It’s been the most fantastic journey and just gets deeper everyday.
The process of developing this hidden jewel to its fullest potential brought me consistently out of my safety zone. I needed to find my own voice. I needed to move beyond the habit of always being nice and wanting approval and disrespecting what I truly felt. This is what the project demanded, and there was no other way. It has been such a gift because it has shown me my intense passion for a true connection with my intuition. It has led me to a place of knowing that the most important thing for me this lifetime is trusting this deep inner voice in myself, my intuition. I need to feel it, hear it, and follow it. Jennifer and the work with her have helped me to realize that this intuition I always had is, in essence, my connection to the Universe and that this Universe is ultimately Love.
I’ve come full circle. I’m excited. I trust. I practice listening. I feel. I love. I am never alone. The House of Inquiry is what moves me and engages me. It is my path now.
I was brought up (loosely) catholic but at some point in my youth I began to wonder why, when blessings were given at the end of the mass, I didn’t feel anything. It was an empty ritual, and
realizing this made me slowly move away from the church. A few years later I became aware of how I emotionally moved in circles: whenever I went to t
I was brought up (loosely) catholic but at some point in my youth I began to wonder why, when blessings were given at the end of the mass, I didn’t feel anything. It was an empty ritual, and
realizing this made me slowly move away from the church. A few years later I became aware of how I emotionally moved in circles: whenever I went to the depth of my feelings, loneliness or whatever else there was, it felt precisely like it had felt the times before, so no change, no progress. I obviously needed to look for something deeper, transformative (as I would put it today) and my inquiry started.
During my studies at university a friend introduced me to the Mother and Sri Aurobindo, their Ashram in Pondicherry and the international township of Auroville (India). When I saw a documentary about the Mother as she was giving darshan to her disciples it felt like she was giving darshan directly to me as well, and boom … she came right into my heart. There she has been for the last 40+ years and with her the aspiration to contribute to their Integral Yoga, a yoga meant to transform the human consciousness not only on the mental and emotional, but also on the physical plane. Their vision of human evolution and their work to manifest a new layer of the Divine Truth on the planet which, with our conscious cooperation and surrender, is able to transform the body´s consciousness, and at the end even its physical composition, has inspired me ever since.
Many visits to Pondicherry (meanwhile called Puducherry) and Auroville, and many therapeutic and spiritual workshops and trainings later, in 2019, through a DIMA (Mallorca) newsletter, I heard about Jennifer and her work. Finally I found someone who offers tools to actively connect with the Divine in and through the body, and work on the consciousness of the cells. Thus my spiritual inquiry took another turn and led me to the edge I feel myself on right now: to give up control and let the Divine take over and, through its impulses in my body, guide me in every area, each action and every moment of my life. This is where transformation becomes real: when I give myself to Truth, I become Truth. When I throw my beliefs, preferences, hopes, my sins and my virtues, and all that belongs to the past, into the fire, I become the fire. It is work in progress, but it has already brought so much joy and happiness into my life. :-))
For a long time, there was also something else pulling me. Maybe since the late 1990s I felt that after my professional career (as a German law professor) I would be involved in a big project. However, I had no idea what this would be, until during the wonderful training „Working with People“ with Turiya Hanover and Rafia Morgan, this vision took a clearer shape. I loved the closeness and connection which was created between the participants through working for and with each other in sessions and inquiries, and the idea came to me: how about creating a space for people who want to live and do inner work together and aspire to reunite with their Divine Self, and as inquiry was then (and still is now) a big part of this work the project received the name "House of Inquiry".
In 2021, after the inheritance from both my parents became available to me, the realization of the vision suddenly became possible. At that point Shira took the initiative, right after the airports had opened again after Covid, to start the search, and within a few days in Spain she, and our dear friend Anne, found "Arca de Noe", this beautiful place which was kind of waiting to be transformed into our House of Inquiry of today. It took Shira and myself, with the help of many dedicated souls, one and a half years to mold it into shape for its designated purpose. Now, after its completion, I feel so grateful, satisfied and honored for having had the privilege to be an instrument of its manifestation.
For me the House of Inquiry has, from the moment we purchased it, been a being, a conscious energy of its own, whose future development is not in our hands. So no further agenda, just a
May it attract, inspire and support a community of friends, of souls eager to realize their Truth in this lifetime, not mainly for their personal sake, but as a manifestation of their Love for and their surrender to the Divine. May it serve the Divine as long as it is useful, way beyond the lifespan of its founders, and may it always be held, protected and blessed by the presence of the Divine Mother, the Divine Feminine, her Sweetness, her Love and her Power of Transformation.
I have committed my life’s work to understanding the universal language of energy— A field of study which incorporates epigenetics, cellular memory, psychology, meditation, consciousness, and prayer.
Being on the path of self-healing, I am continuously investigating the fundamental principles of transformation. That is, how to transform o
I have committed my life’s work to understanding the universal language of energy— A field of study which incorporates epigenetics, cellular memory, psychology, meditation, consciousness, and prayer.
Being on the path of self-healing, I am continuously investigating the fundamental principles of transformation. That is, how to transform our fear-based trauma, negative belief systems, and generational patterns into an expanded state of love, integrity, compassion, gratitude, and service. I’m thankful to have uncovered a remarkable healing power available to us all when we develop an intimate relationship with Divine Intelligence. This healing power or “light” is always present—we just have to learn how to hear, call upon, and work with it.
In conjunction with this intimate “divine” love affair, I have also learned the vital importance of trusting and backing up intuitive information that is constantly flowing through our power center (hara/dantian) and the cells of our body. By listening to and acting upon this intuitive wisdom, we effectively pull this light or divine intelligence into and through our bodies. My repeated experience is that combining these two approaches results in potent, practical, and life-altering transformation, or Cellular Transformation as I’ve come to call it.
I grew up in Northern Ireland and currently live between Austin, Texas, and HOiY, Spain, with my fiancé, Jesse. I travel extensively, offering Cellular Transformation workshops and retreats while co-developing and mentoring online and residential CT Teaching Programs. I have been immersed in the field of trauma healing for over 25 years, working with thousands of people from diverse cultural backgrounds. It is a true passion of mine to assist others in transforming their fear-based memories, programs and beliefs, and by teaching the fundamental principles of Cellular Transformation so we can all harness this psycho-spiritual power for ourselves. I desire to pay forward the endless
miracles that the universe keeps gifting me and to do so in a way that empowers us to live from a place of vulnerability, honesty, love, and joy while centering ourselves in Tao-like wisdom that is far greater than that of our ego-mind.
I was blessed to meet Arno and Shira in 2019. Ever since, it has been a remarkable journey of friendship, love, support, and expansion. We commonly endeavor to get out of the way and serve our growing community by exemplifying these principles of self-inquiry, tuning into and backing up the energy, honoring the divine, centering in meditation, and living by the virtues of generosity, responsibility, ownership, courage, kindness, playfulness, and joy. Arno and Shira are two of the most generous souls I have ever met. They have created something extraordinary at HOiY, a gift from their depths, to honor the divine in and around us. They offer a loving space that supports building an intimate and lasting relationship with the universe, both personally and within community. It is an honor to be invited into this heart-led project, and it is my privilege to be a part of such an essential service to the world; a place where we can merge the spiritual with the physical - to grow and live in community - to serve, love, respect, and honor the divine - and to bring Cellular Transformation to The House of Inquiry.
House of Inquiry (HOiY)
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